A Revolutionary Way to Oxygenate Your Body!

As you may know, there are many avenues of potential exploration when it comes to breathing techniques, protocols, and technologies. Recently I have been reading about a revolutionary way to increase health and oxygenate the body that I think after understanding the implications you will be just as excited to hear about! Meet Manfred Von…

Gaia’s Medicine: Fungi For Restoration Of Our Inner & Outer Ecosystems

I have been interested in mushrooms for several years now. When first learning, my focus was mainly on edible species and when discovering some of the tree mushrooms, they had little appeal because of their inedible nature. They are not toxic or poisonous, although most are too tough in texture for the culinary creativity of…

Being Light: The Art Of Floating

As Albert Einstein said: “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”. If this is true, what the world really needs right now is people who have stepped into their creative power. Although there are many ways to activate our greatest gifts and genius, I personally believe float…

Awaken Your Nervous System With The Wim Hof Method

Our Body is truly a miracle in the way it functions and strives to maintain balance. From our temperature, to cellular regeneration, ph level, there is a delicate orchestration of activity that is unfathomable in it’s precision. What if one of the most vital ways our body behaves to protect us from the cold, could…

Unlocking the Enigma with a Synchronici-Key

Last night I had a very intriguing dream giving me direct access into my creative powers and wisdom. Although I can’t remember enough to articulate the whole dream seamlessly, what was remembered was enough to provoke a deep reflection about some concepts I have been thinking about for quite a long time and every now…

The Paradox of Energy

Energy is all around us. Sound is energy, light is energy, movement is energy and even non moving things are energy. A river flowing, plants sprouting, music playing… The list could go on infinitely. In knowing this how do we make sense of the intricate and complex web of patterns and energy that are swirling…

Moving Into a Higher Octave

It is apparent that we are on the cusp of something new. Something so novel and extraordinary that can’t be understood within our current sociocultural framework. Many analogies can paint a piece of the larger picture of what we are in the midst of currently on a planetary scale. Never the less it is a…

Balance of the Physical and Subtle

I wish to speak about the relationship between the physical aspects of life and the more subtle aspects. Sometimes individuals may set forth to expand their consciousness or open their minds up to new realities or higher dimensions without the necessary groundwork. I have learned deep and profound lessons about this. Before I go any…

Coherence and Peace

As the world accelerates in technology and connectivity, as barriers of distance, language and culture are transcended, we are getting a glimpse of what it might look like to live in a global civilization that is based on harmony and cooperation. One way of putting it is that it appears as if the synapses of…

Fire by Friction: A Life Metaphor

This ancient technique used by people all over the world is a wonderful metaphor when contemplating success. In order to create the first spark, an immense amount of friction is required and the right conditions to turn that tiny burning ember into a powerful flame which can create warmth and illumination among other benefits. This…